Friday, October 11, 2013

#360 Where Are They?

That is a common question among us singletons.  “Where are all the good men/women?”  “Where do they hang out?”  “Where should I hang out?”

I have always believed that you should, first and foremost, do things and go places that interest you.  Don’t do things just because you think you may meet someone.  More often than not, you will be disappointed and will have wasted your time.  I find things that I’m interested in and figure if I happen to meet someone, it’s a bonus.  If I don’t, I’ve done something I enjoy. 

I recently came across this brilliant quote:

Don’t waste your time worrying about “where” he is. Worry about what you can control: who are you BEING that will make a guy want to ask you out and fall in love with you wherever you go.

It’s all about you being the best you, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.  If you do that, you can never be disappointed. 

Another quote I love is from one of my best friends.  She and I used to commiserate about men when we were both single.  Once she told me about her prayer, “Lord, prepare me for the man you are preparing for me.”  Sometimes two people seem perfect for each other, but the timing is wrong.  You both have to be at the right point in your lives at the same time.  She is now happily married with a soon-to-be four year-old daughter. 

That brings me to my last point.  At the end of the day, I believe that I am where God wants me to be.  If I was supposed to be with one of the guys from my past, I would be with them.  If God wants me to be single the rest of my life, I know I will still have a great life.  He has never let me down in choosing a college, finding a job that was right for me or in finding a great house.  I know he will be with me whether I find Mr. Right or just a few more Mr. Right Nows.  All I need to be concerned about is where I am. 

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