Monday, August 27, 2012

#302 Cleaning House

Or more accurately, cleaning office.  We had a clean-up day last Friday, as we are moving some office spaces and people around at work.  It's amazing how many 3-ring binders people get rid of when they are asked to purge things from their offices.  We keep the binders that are in good shape and give the rest to Teacher's Treasures.  I helped Paula organize the work room and was able to put all the extra binders on top of the cabinets.  At one point Paula said it would have taken her all afternoon to put all the binders up there because she would have had to use the step stool.  Up.  Down.  Up.  Down.  And I just stood there and could reach up to the top.  I'm glad I could help! 

On a side note, when we took the older binders to the basement, I found some other treasures and walked away with a Beach Boys album (Endless Summer) and a pair of jeans.  My guess is that someone was fired and left stuff in the office.  I saw a pair of jeans sticking out and they were my size.  Levis dark wash.  They are "floods" on me, but are still cute and comfortable.  I wore them Saturday night. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for your height all the time...and yes, I'm not afraid to ask for your help just b/c you're tall! The dang workroom needs cleaning again...drats :(
